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Sep 2020
at first, one feels relieved.
after an hour or so, the memories flood the brain,
the tears start to kick in.
suddenly parting ways was a bad idea, now all one wants to do is run back into the other persons arms and stay.
remembering more of the good than the bad is damaging.
crying for a day,
crying the next day,
crying for 5 more.

at some point the tears are replaced with the feeling of numbness.
getting up from bed and staring at the floor turns into a daily routine.
searching up the username to take quick peek to see if they're doing just fine or as miserable becomes more frequent.
eventually the photos are deleted, the number is erased, blocked, but still engraved in the mind.

sooner or later the gloomy moments are replaced with vivid, unclouded days. thinking about them doesn't cross the mind as often, no longer causes that agonizing heartache. checking up frequently stops all together. at last the soul is at peace, the heart is stitched back together, and the smile that hardly appear is back and brighter than before.
luz maria
Written by
luz maria  F
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