Her ******* were taken from her legs and back. Formed from her own body by a stranger’s hands. A brutal procedure, reconstruction. Adding four more scars to her body which has already carried three lives besides her own fading one. I catch her reflection in the bathroom mirror fresh out of the shower. Door left open because her legs wobble like a newborn foal’s. A giraffe. A gazelle. A calf. She looks like a sacrifice, my mother. Allowed to live a short while longer in the face of the new death sprouting in her brain. Or perhaps it has been festering there a while. She is sick of pink. She still smooths lotion over her hands and face. Feels her prickly, bald scalp with her soft palms. She is soft all over now where there used to be muscle. Brown, toned arms, shapely legs. It stole from her again and again. Inside that soft, tired body a warrior spirit raged on, but knew defeat when she saw it on the pink horizon.