Sometimes I wonder How someone could ever call something so incredibly beautiful A sin
Check your bible my friend Your translation is twisted We're all sinners
Equal in the eyes of God
Did you forget His entire thing Is loving us All
So say it's a sin. Tell the world how you hate us (Hate is a sin) Say you're not one of "those homophobic people" But tell me it's wrong Right to my face
My friend, you've become My enemy But I will love you (God says that's something we all should do)
So I will pray earnestly For the day You realize I'm "one of those awful sinners" And maybe you too Will understand and accept my God (Because he accepts and loves Everyone)
Until then, I won't tell you if I get a girlfriend (But I swear I'll love her)
And I'll expose your children To all the "horrors of this earth" (Because I believe they're beautiful) And really, how could anyone call something so beautiful a sin
"Love covers a multitude of sins" (: (Also this is the fourth poem I've posted today? I think? So oops didn't mean to spam, just have a lot of feelings today) :D