I want to keep you secret Because when you’re secret, You’re still mine And my thoughts are my own My feelings are real I’m free As long as I keep you to myself As long as you’re secret
As soon as they know Their opinions will fill my head A thick, slow fog in my mind I won’t be able to trust myself I know they can convince me of anything They’ll fill my head with themselves And there won’t be room for me anymore No room for us Once again I’ll be a puppet They’ll pull at all my strings Because that’s what they do
I want them in my life But I also want to be in my life
So for a little longer You’ll remain my secret Just until I catch my breath And am ready to fight my mind
I am 20 years old and finally am about to be dating someone. I need to tell my parents at some point especially if I want him to come over, but I don’t trust myself when they’re involved. I just want him to be mine a little longer before they get in my head. I want to make these decisions myself.