I. The Angel becomes fallen from where he spreads down there by followed — with soothing lullabies in delicate light, the Fairy appears.
II. He arouses to the music of her wings — the myth gains to life. The Boy blinked twice from where he lingers down, there the Fairy appears.
III. The rush of waters calm the essence of the Boy when the Fairy extended her grip, he thus was lured into enchantment — the particular illusion he was keen to understand.
IV. Chirping birds, rattling noise squirrels chattering — the refrain sounded in the mind when the rapidness of one's way of heart-beat's tingle from within.
V. Into one's perceiving from where he flew all over the place in the grips of a fairy, as she bears power, wreak havoc, so that the tale alone lies in books: to be learned by children.
VI. Until he who belongs to melted ashes of charisma and grace — again he greets her the winged melody buzz in his tastes a shooting star hanging upon an idle request from where he emits his longing voice, there the Fairy appears.
VII. The Angel becomes settled the Fairy comes, in the stream where they clash as the sky bore his pining, the illusion appeared to life.