In the beginning it's all a dream A dream where all of us are numbers Number one Number two Number three
But then all of a sudden the arithmetic Comes in, numbers that were "equal" now become "more equal" Greater than comes in lesser than comes in ,the equality that was unity yesterday becomes a boundary between the numbers.
Moreso the unknowns on the other side of the equal sign. Some are on left, some are on right. far from over on the other side of the equal signs there is (x) and (y) all unknown to the other side of the equal signs Oh no some numbers become determinant(s)of (x)(y) The slash sign of Power separates the numerator and denominator
Mockery at it's peak ;the equal signs are replaced by greater than or less than. As if that is not enough In the second method improper fractions emerge as former numbers become decimals Graphs of anarchy, imperialism, dictatorship and religious annihilation scatter across the x~axis of humanity and y~axis of ideology
Third method Proud Rounding up/off begins Continental Arch's mark the trajectory of division along lines Shapes of character finally emerge Assume the value of (x) is that "all this is a dream" Syntax error; this is no dream
This is reality and remains relevant today Pure maths is yours dear mathematician!
This cry of anguish is rooted to the cat rat relation with my mathematics teachers ;even when mathematics wasn't my cup of tea it still delivers the painful truth we all know and continues to remain relevant in a modern society that boasts of equality and democracy