She's just so out my league. So many guys want her- Who’d consider any other? Seems no one can have her. She’s just so sunny sweet, No other girl can compete. All my friends and I must concede- She’s out of my league.
She’s seems out of my league. But is she out of my reach? Those guys give her the eye— Discouraged, won’t even try-- Feel I don't even qualify. She always walks alone. Maybe I could walk her home. If I can see past her mystique She’ll not be out of my league
“Nothing ventured, nothing gained”, I told myself again and again. I could strut beside her. I should smile and talk to her; Always be kind to her. Gotta step up, swing for the fence- Exercise some confidence. Maybe I’ll slink away in shame; Or I might set her heart aflame.
She's just out of my league, But there's no mistake on trying So this is me doing the impossible, applying, Because after I confess we might flying And I must avoid this pain and crying And I'll deliver my own intrigue Just to be on her league Because she's just out of my league.
I found my girl best friend are so out of my league and maybe I can confess to her.