["Lucky Lucky (Original Mix)" by Jake-Tech & Paul HG is playing in the background.]
"You're a blessing." "You're bad luck." "You're hard not to love." "You deserve a raise." "You're a young god." "Hey future Grammy winner." "You're so ******* sweet." "You smell good." "He smells good as ****." "I wish I would have aborted you." "Won't you leave my house on this beautiful Sunday?" "You're nothing special." "We'd be the talk of the club." "We can be friends." "Are you interested in being friends?" "You look so handsome." "I love your outfit. It looks amazing." "I want your jacket bro. Where can I get it?" "My main man." "Employee of the month right there." "I love you bro." "I hate you." "I thought you were gay when I first met you." "You're such a kind person and you have a good spirit." "You deserve all the happiness that comes your way." "Give it up you ****." "I had a lot of fun with you."