Dont stop chasing your dreams Until you got that power of your beam, Do no forget those who got you through, Always thank them for your success too.
It's like you walk on a storm That'll challenge you until you got harmed, But honey don't get too affected don't return, Because all of the flowers bloomed and it's your turn.
It's okay to be late, just don't stop Until you get to the top Just stay at your lane there's too much Temptation don't swap I believe that after you get to the top it'll be nonstop.
There'll be demons that'll want you to stop And if they made you flop Don't listen to them, listen to me I'll call the cops, And I'll help you to be in the top.
Remember, do not stop The rewards will be nonstop After you get to the top, So after this I'll be happy and always I'll be at your back.
You'll be okay remember okay? You'll be on the top of your own world don't be sad now I believe in you.