I lay awake hour after hour while you did the same in the very next room.
You've told me before just how apprehensive you become when the page is empty and the stakes are high. You have high hopes, but when you bade me "good night and sleep well" I did see the flicker of doubt-insomnia-excitement hiding just behind your tired smile like a candle in the wind.
It is near impossible to sleep when you lie awake, when love lies awake in the next room.
But I am a coward, afraid of losing you long before I can call you mine. And so I while away the hours wondering if you want me to walk down the passage and crawl into your bed just as much as I do.
We lie awake instead, praying that sleep takes us and carries us across the boundary separating yesterday and tomorrow. To take you to a bright tomorrow me; into another lovesick Monday. But sleep evades us It is near impossible to sleep when I know you lie awake and love lies awake in the very next room.
So our first night in the house. Before the crush died of course. Why is it so hard to **** a crush?