Owning up to the fact that I cast a shadow. One that seems to have no end. Hiding just behind me. Mechanisms to keep it out of view. Catch it in the act before it gets past you.
Turn your back to your devil, And you will see the shadow that it casts. The reach of its shadow, Grows larger the longer you hide, Until all you can see is darkness. Our devil figure, Reflects in another. The Archenemy, Is buried inside me.
We are our own devil, And make everyone else our devil.
I cast my devil onto you, And now you are my devil too.
Your archenemy, Don’t push that onto me.
Your misery, Don’t make it mine too.
Your elegy, See that the devil is you.
Own up to the dark. Amend yourself. Catch your devil out in the open, Trying to make an enemy out of someone. Blameless, you believe, You hide the shadow beneath your feet. Unveil the creature, Walk through it, Until it is not your devil anymore.