Cinnamon winters the rolls. If my past childhood memories serve me correctly. Better than playing in the wettest Christmas snow leaves a sweet kiss behind. My lips follows, with an expected sigh. To again taste one of many... the many tasty treasures left behind by the Elusive divine. In that very moment; where the sweet cinnamon lubricates my feisty lips. All is ******* history. Isn't it? And so I ravaged the now decimated sweet treasure with many sinful bites. Smoked a cigarette afterwards. There was a no smoking sign. Indeed, **** and cinnamon don't mix. On the tiny red plate, where the cinnamon rolls once lived. a few crumbs in its wake still exists. Confusion is typical of this kind of ish. When you lick the mooing cows hidden dish.
Written and Copyrighted (C) 2014 by Claude Robert Hill, IV.
Consciousness pouring out of me disguised as words. I am craving cinnamon rolls.