There’s so many things that I wish I had the courage to simply say But I can’t even stand to be alone with my thoughts Much less bring them into the light of day
How can I be open with others When I won’t confront the truth myself? When I take my feelings and thoughts And tuck them neatly away on a shelf
I take all the of the mess in my mind And I shove it all down deep I keep my mind occupied So that the thoughts don’t creep
If the feelings make it to the surface They can only be expressed one way I wrap them up with a neat little bow In the stanzas and rhymes I say
It brings order to the chaos of my mind And it helps me to express These mixed up feelings inside me Without scaring people, this is best
If I were to truly let people in To the nightmare that is my mind I think they’d run pretty quickly Though their intentions may be kind
So instead I carefully craft my feelings Into pretty stanzas for all to see And I’ll continue sharing my poems As the tiny glimpses of me
Wrote this one last at night, that seems to be when all my thoughts and feelings try to fight their way to the surface.