Hello Canton of Neuchâtel Bitter homecoming What's your spell?
Decay This way Pearly Russian Doll
Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder But your dreams spill from the glass Sawn asunder
Your holy relic, O Green Fairy With honey on the brim Wormwood berry
How now Brown cow Bombinate Swiss Miss Relocate Exploratrice
A wreath for your head Glass slipper for your foot Ah yes, to sleep in your magical bed
Laisse tomber! Laisse tomber!
Sodden your soul And **** all other Lanfray Otherwise, this rue of earth will Swallow you whole
Absinthe was once associated with violent crimes and social disorder, and one modern writer claims that this trend was spurred by fabricated claims and smear campaigns, which he claims were orchestrated by the temperance movement and the wine industry. By 1915, absinthe had been banned in the United States and in much of Europe, yet it has not been demonstrated to be any more dangerous than ordinary spirits. Recent studies have shown that absinthe's psychoactive properties have been exaggerated, apart from that of the alcohol.