We could kindle the twigs and the fallen leaves Dry as a dead dingo's donger And make a fire which burns for a while But betimes would flicker and out it goes sooner or later
We could even build a house skillfully like the cassican Sight to a sore eyes on completion A beautiful paradise and definitely talk of the town But talks are like baby fat they always disappear
We could write in the sand as we stand on the shore The tale of our union but the tides will come Or even inscribe on a rock the symbol of our love There for years until denudation knocks
So I think it's better if we dig the ground Not to keep the dead but to grow a life As we sow a seed which grows for life Come the seasons under the sun
A saviour on a sunny day With nectariferous flowers bearing fruit with seeds A zoar for birds and other figures of life Green that adds to the already colourful work of art
Come let's plant a tree today on the spot Where our hearts melted like iron in a furnace As the smith forges what he pleases Where we met after days spent following the treasure trail
Where we first kissed and nothing else mattered But the wrestle of two lit tongues Right where love found us and we found love The clouds bearing witness
Though a howling gale may rise Bring it down like the leaves in autumn But there's always a contingency plan Seeds that will sprout in spring