Do not ever allow yourself to reduce the incomprehensible miracle of your very existence
to basic questions of self-worth. Do not ever allow your boss to write you off as nothing more than a worker
who is failing to meet some arbitrary set of expectations. Do not ever allow a bully to tell you that you are nothing more than a child
lacking in physical strength. Do not ever allow a politician to boil your being
down to a cheap distillation of inside jokes and snickering, racist circumlocutions.
The fact that you are here, today, alive and present and reading these words is a stentorian, staggering miracle.
We are, all of us, perhaps guilty of occasionally forgetting this fundamental fact.
But we must remember, you and I, and every other being with us, that we sprang forth from nothing— absolute oblivion— into awareness and consciousness and individuality, and personality in this gargantuan, freezing, largely empty universe.
Allow me to remind you that that idea is entirely incredible— the purest void was somehow spun into the totality of your being— into the infinity of the present moment— a Möbius-strip mindfuck expanding outward in space and time reaching toward all directions simultaneously.
The fact that you and I are here is miraculous. And the fact that you exist is a miracle.
Do not ever let our sickly civilization try to tell you anything to the contrary.