They say she is ugly She was just a girl Her father neglected her Her cousins abused her Her friend ***** her She was just a girl She looked into the mirror Why aren't I pretty? She was bullied everywhere she went She was too fat Too dumb Too ugly Too this Too that So her best friend was some **** And some coke She was with **** for awhile But she drowned herself with *** in her room With the lights off She was just a girl She wanted to be loved She started cutting Almost died about a dozen times Once a truck Twice a noose Three times she tried to drown Four slitting her veins Twice an overdose No one cared though She was just a girl She was gay Everywhere she went she was called a *** She tried to date But she messed up too many times She just wanted attention They were scared of her depression They thought she was bad But really... She was just a girl She was scared of the world Her dad and cousins ******* her up She stopped speaking Stopped smiling She lost friends Lost hope Lost love
this is about me, the old me that I killed, I am no longer that person, I don't even Identify as a girl anymore, but I am just as empty