i cut the envelopes that come in through my mailbox with the jagged edges of my front teeth women used to chew their umbilical cord after birth and my mother tied my hair in the same ponytail the entirety of my girlhood the elastic snapping a couple times a day because the girth of hair was always too thick and I envied the women with thin, silky hair the kind that didn't snap or break split in two like my lip in the winter or when hitting the pavement
years later when I became bored with everything everyone I knew was in love with I became queen of abandoning all in a jiffy sobering up and growing up the more I went up the easier it became to be simple and dumb
so cut my tongue-tie leave me in the dark i'll never be middle class as you explain poverty to me in your fake squalor I understand that one day you'll eventually move back to your parents' wealth and my sun will be hotter
I'll quit my job and live in between different parks with similar names and the birds that always remember your face but they have so many your head becomes a scrambled egg you'll listen to my songs but that's only because you want to believe they're about you
it's liquid gold when everyone is defined by what kind of milk they drink
the most convoluted poem I've written in a while alluding sort of to some kind of amniotic complex