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Jul 2019
The height of the year
Tank tops
And short-shorts the only thing worn.
Melting heat
A breeze!
Pure bliss.

The heat cools
And sweaters and jeans
Emerge from the closet.
Sweet coolness fills the air.
It’s a bit chilly today.

The coolness grows colder
You see your breath
Billowing out of your mouth.
You put on a few more layers.

Brings flowers
And beauty
And bees
And allergies.
I guess they balance each other out.
Which is worse? The cold or the heat?
Written by
Malia  16/F/Stuck in my home :p
(16/F/Stuck in my home :p)   
         Malia, Nadia, David Hilburn, S Olson, Christos Victor and 9 others
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