you asked me that question as we sat in the glimmering moonlight beside the hotel pool, our hearts filled with emotions and our blood intoxicated with the truth potion the only way we knew to see the real, raw versions of each other.
in that moment, we no longer hid alone in the shadows of our past
you told me about the pain that wouldn’t go away, you told me about the time your life hit rock bottom, how everything changed in the blink of an eye. you lost someone you loved, someone who promised never to leave, twice.
you told me about the man who walked out of the house when you were seven and never ever looked back. you said it didn’t affect you anymore, that you no longer cared, but your eyes told me stories that your lips couldn’t. the butterfly effect, the way he broke your heart has effects beyond the months of tears and years of yearning.
you told me about the girl who fixed your broken heart and made you feel like the luckiest man in the world, just to take it all away. the way she broke your heart left you in despair and stole your hope of ever being whole again.
so then I asked you, can broken hearts be fixed again?
because, baby, even if you tell me that it can’t be done, I will spend countless days and nights helping you find yourself in the darkest corners of your memories
and even if you say it will take forever, I will spend my entire life trying to make you believe my words and accept the love you don’t think you deserve
and hopefully, one day, I will make you feel whole again.