We have the privilege to romanticise rain. We talk about the cold breeze, the soothing sounds of falling droplets and the feelings that are evoked within us.
However, to some others, rain simply means a cold sleepless night. Rain, to them is like an uninvited guest, who finds its way through cracks and holes and sits uncomfortably close. A guest who leaves only when they please.
To some others rain is like an old friend who's face they can no longer remember. They don't even remember the last time they met because it did not seem like an incident that was important enough to commit to memory. If only they had known that it was the last time in a long time...
And the ones who farm to feed us all pray for rain that is just enough. Not too less or too much. And when it pours, the elixir flows to quench the thirst of doubts 'will there be yield?' 'will my children eat?' A reassuring yes.
So, the next time rain runs towards you and drenches you with an affectionate hug, embrace it and let it be no stranger.