I am a truth-teller; I truly don’t know what you are. I came here in search of peace and you are only seeking war. We are very different; you and I are so far apart. You are leading a different life to me; You are failing to write under a dying light bulb, whilst I am a star.
You have to shout at me because your words are empty; I whisper a reply that deafens your voice. Why are you so angry that you are so far beneath me? You know you are losing and it is not my fault. You made that choice.
Fame and fortune by any means necessary; If that is your only wish, then do as you will. I will continue to be right and live free and properly, As you trap yourself under your counterfeit popularity. You can keep it; I have no desire to be left with you at the bottom of that hill.
You are reaching for the stars, but your reputation is not big enough. Just another name to forget; an optimist without a prayer. I will become simply amazing without the shrill touch, Whilst you will remain the same… A long forgotten nobody, going nowhere.
Friends of the foolish speak no truth; Take it to heart you arrogant loser. In the end we will be left asking, who are you? I will not be asked that question, Because I will be known as the end of your time in the spotlight; The moment you fall you will realise, That I am your defuser.