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May 2019
Like a soundless rain that fell in drops,
I shed my tears beneath a mask.
And behind a wall that hid my fears,
I made a vow to make it strong.
How else can my soul be safe,
if there's no mask to hide it all?

Brick by brick, through love and pain,
I saw it's use, and I saw it's bane.
For in love, the lies were wrought.
And in pain, they were none but shunned.
Then how else can my heart be safe,
if the mask I don is all but vague?

And then it came! As swift and deaf,
as the nightly wind. It wrought it's way
through the layers I built. Sham!
Brick by brick, the wall came down.
By love and pain, I learnt of life.
And the mask I wore, in pieces it fell.
Never ever hide your true feelings because your true self might get lost in the way.
H I Kabo
Written by
H I Kabo  20/F
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