God, stop me at once! I've been telling you what to do, And there's no telling what that will do. I lack so much in experience.
I'm so demanding, And yet so indigent, I order things like I'm a sergeant. But I'm the opposite of outstanding.
I want you to work for this "god of self," But you're more than I could ever think. I live and die in one blink, I can't escape - overtaken by time's engulf.
So why do I try to be, The boss of all of you? I master nothing of value, I'm just riding along in this derby.
Oh God, humble my prayers. I've always known what I wanted, Boldly I asked of you - undaunted. But here is one of the answers.
I ask, and ask, and ask! But I never listen. Now the light bulb is on like Edison. My pride exposed - is grotesque.
You speak in a quiet voice, Not because you're weak, But because we must seek. I've gotta come to you by choice.