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Apr 2019
Have you ever talked to yourself?
Not your average talk though
I'm talking about the person inside you, the inner you.
The child in you.
We hold on to our childhood deep down inside.
Deeper than our hearts. Look a little deeper,
I mean in your soul.
That person needs you.
Our emotions today
reflect a lot on our childhood memories.
The way we talk, act, and perceive others.
Give that child in you some time and dedication.
Reach your hand out to them. Help them grow,
help them understand the world you are currently in.
We often look and blame our experiences with others
as an excuse for our actions today.
It's not that.
There is a person inside you, you have to mend things with.
Your true self. Your inner child.

Sara I. Raad
Written by
Sara I Raad  27/F/Detroit, MI
(27/F/Detroit, MI)   
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