I get in a strange state of mind sometimes Felt this misery before It is back to disrupt my life Tend to stand aside, not much more.
It will show what a worthless weakling I am Leaves me asking why I'm here Plead and cry for cooperation Detached and losing those I hold dear.
This sick fixation warps me Health suffering consequences Any asset absent was robbed or wrecked Drugs crushed every last one of my defenses.
Going crazy to find relief Addiction pulls miles of nerves It was my own ill judgement that led me here In a way what I deserve.
I found comfort in orange-capped needles Counting down points til zero in the box Began to lose my personality My old self misplaced or sold; I forgot.
I am not stupid, at least I wasn't before, Honestly, I promise, it is the drugs. Think their tendrils reach my brain to the core Shoo them then later feel in my skull a tug.
I know what I have to do Problem is, it's hard, Don't know why I can't pull free The reason addicts are how they are.
I am afraid I'll forever be a slave Too far gone to break empty routines Knew at the start but thought there was a way around The loopholeless addiction gene.