Clock strikes midnight and I’m ready to leave Never really could stay in the same place for more than nine months
Growing up I was a zebra in a room full of lions Still am With long spider legs And birthmarks sprinkled around my face and body My big beautiful dad hands Shy personality I stick out like a sore thumb
Living a lonely little kid life I learned to love I don’t want others to feel the way I did Instead of floating around my brothers who treated me like a ghost I went off to play with my mom Failed once again packed my bags and moved onto my cat She hissed and scratched I cried No one wanted me
I searched for my people Looking high and low Using everyone else’s personality but my own I found them for a while Until the wind whistled And decided it’s time to blew them away Jumping from person to person Finding good in them I was told I was wrong So I kept to myself and became the sad girl no one wants to be friends with Rolling her eyes and dismissing everything people say Wondering in the corner Why people don’t like her
I’m ready to leave Trapped inside five years of the same cycle I’m ready to shed my skin Leave my old life behind And start fresh I’m not afraid of the future For me, change is like water I don’t drink as much as I want to But I’ll die without it.