You are the real saviour, You guys keep me kickin', Your unexpected texts bring smile, Your weird memes, and boring morning messages annoys me, But yeah it feels good to have those, For at least there's someone who have not forgotten me.
Calling just to hear my voice, Not just for your mean purposes, To share your story, You share your dark secrets, Trusting me to keep em' safe.
I may be busy sometimes, Not able to be in contact. But I want to let you guys know You all mean a lot.
Thanks for being there for me when my ex left, Thanks for bringing me that cake, when I couldn't be home on my birthday. Thanks for hanging out, For dealing my tantrums and sticking around.
THANKS For I would have been gravely alone without you!
Appreciate the people you have in your life ! For you will realize their importance when they are gone!