what silly things are boundaries, imaginary lines that tell people what they can and can't do.
i can not tell you what my boundaries look like, for i never had them.
i was a child of use, every aspect of me was someone else's.
so when my therapist decreed boundaries as my way to light, as my ticket to mental health salvation, i did my best.
it was pathetic really. please don't touch me, i said in the nicest most placating way i could, i just don't really like it.
i tried and i failed. for a child who was so used to achievement, this failure hit me hard.
it was pathetic. absolutely pathetic. what was pathetic? how easily those who were supposed to listen to me, support me, love me, steamrolled that whimsy little fence i called a boundary. they annihilated it, dropped a metaphoric nuke on it with their sneers and greed.
no war is ever won in the first battle though. so i will keep trying.