FaceTime Unavailable. Leave a Message Hey, it’s me, just saying hell.... Hey, just wanted to check up o..... Hi, I really miss yo...... Just saying what’s u....... I’m constantly bombarded by thoughts of you I wake up .... You I go to class.... You I study.... You But I still can’t understand Why I’m not over.... You Yes. Was the word I said when you asked me to be yours. When you said I want you to be mine Out was where we went , no matter the time. I’d go out with you over and over and over again because i never wanted the time with you to end Unlimited Was how I felt when you held me in your arms, when I called and you’d always answer . When I knew i could rely on you to be the answer but Somehow, over time, I began to think I was not the answer. Multiple Choice but I was not the right choice, I was the choice that’s so close to right it made it difficult for you to decide But you decided that you were willing to be almost right to be with me and I didn’t appreciate that til your heart. Your mind. Your thoughts. Your time. Left Me Read That word has become so familiar now Read Has become a common response to me now I fight for your attention Your time Your affection I fight for the right to my thoughts My attention But I’m losing Connecting...... FaceTime Unavailable I see you. Talking to her Her could be a stranger Her could be a mutual friend Her could be your someone close But her isn’t me, so it could be anybody But I want to be her What is it about our past relationship that is keeping me hooked Why do I feel like I am not free I know I don’t want a relationship I know what you’re probably going to tell the next girl the next her but. I don’t care.