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Jan 2019
I get scared to go to sleep.
it means I’m leaving him.
even though it’s all temporary,
a fleeting darkness soon to pass,
I still seem to struggle with the idea.
when I close my eyes to rest,
anxiety stiffens my bones.
I crave his velvet voice,
rocking me to sleep. it eases me.
without his presence I cannot sleep,
it’s nearly impossible.
my soul has already connected to him,
it needs his reassurance and shelter,
to feel safe enough to fall to sleep.
it takes so much energy for me to on my own,
but with his voice it’s fast and it’s painless.
because I know he’s right there,
there to love and protect me,
soothe my anxious heart.
I need him to fall asleep,
because I’m scared to do it on my own.

it’s too late at night and I desperately need your voice to help me go to sleep
Baylee Kaye
Written by
Baylee Kaye  20/F/Texas, USA
(20/F/Texas, USA)   
   Fawn and Perry
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