This poem might not rhyme Because i don't know if i have the time To let all these thoughts out of me
But I want to ask all of you A question from my heart sincerely i have no clue What the answer may be
Does it not scare all of you how fleeting life is That tomorrow you could be gone as fast as pop fizz why are we all suffering just to die soon
Why don't you take that chance if you're not happy now Why don't you jump into it even if it's scary now I'm all alone in this and I fear i always will be
But it confuses me you see Because i see so many suffer and not get what they want endlessly Even when i offer it and say lets run away together
They say they can't Theyre afraid But life is so fleeting it all passes so fast everyday Why not grab the love you seek
Instead of watching it sink far away Because you think it might cause this or be an issue for another day I'm worried you are wasting each precious day that you'll never get back
So why not jump head first without ever looking back?
It's all do fleeting why not dance with me why not stop thinking so much about all the little worries and do what your soul desires