write me letters, one with every letter known to man, write me one for each day my hand is not in yours, write to me of your thoughts and feelings of hardships and triumphs, along with everything in between,
and in return receive mine each dedicated especially to you, detailing the delicate intricacies of the way you make me feel and my remembrance of the summer's breeze paired with the cool ocean air and the way your hair laid so gently,
visit me in my dreams and drop sweet kisses down upon my lips allow for every moment you were in my arms to be cherished and every moment apart be envious of the times you were next to me.
Obviously this peace is a bit more vulnerable and emotional. I guess I'm just hoping someone will relate. I wrote this a few months ago and I think it is funny to see it now and wonder just how strong a passion can be. anyways I hope you enjoyed!! -cheyenne