the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence these are the rules i don’t make them somebody is always going to be better than me should i look up or down? to the glowing sun or the deep blue sea? this is the blood, sweat, tears of thirteen years of hate and love for myself this is the breaking this is the growing this is the healing this is the faking of my feelings against who i am inside the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence in their ocean eyes i see the future and in mine i see the past in their hands i see pure bravery and in mine i see brute strength and no control and on their face i see and angel on mine i see a spectre in a twisted mask that chips off with every single one of my tears the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence from this side of paradise all you see is my broken heart and your hands quickly sew it back as another stitch rips. the grass is always greener when you are on the other side because no flowers would ever grow if never washed with rain the moon is always brighter when the sun is there to shine on its beautiful, silver face that would be hidden by our shadows till it melted into space. this is the breaking this is the growing this is the healing this is the alpha this is the omega this is the end.