The solar system that keeps us in its grasp, shall never let us go or allow us to meet the past. I watch through the windows and look to the sky. But between memories of stars that night collects, And of gloom that hides in moons; I have yet to find Saturn whose gases weigh more than my worth, and dress with diviner rings that I could bear.
But Saturn, I fear that one day my search for you will end without us meeting and having a nonsensical conversation. "How have you come to a place like this? Your state, your existence, how can it be? Would you like some tea? No? That's fine, everything is perfectly fine with you."
Saturn, I have watch that moon and seen those stars shine through darkness. It has been lonely but I now wish for you to be reflected in my eyes, I promise, I swear, I give honor on my words, I will not let you leave my sight. Let me find my place in the universe, one where I can see you.