You can leave the life But the life wont leave you Its talons are hooked into your chest You’re reminded of the pain Every-time you breathe And i know it hurts Youre scared. That life you left behind That you clawed your way out of You dont want to fall back in I tell you that you never talk to me But the more i sit here and think The more i realize that you did But my ears were closed Only wanting to open if you were blunt But thats not you and ive been so deaf Your wounds were never hidden Your scars never covered up I see it now How can i not? Im quick to jump and quick to push away And i never once thought to just keep my feet on the ground To just hold tight to what ive had In a perfect world i’d have thought In a perfect world you wouldnt know the pain That comes with an empty stomach. And you wouldnt be craving the thing thats going to destroy us But im your rock. Your reason for living And i meant it when i said i shouldnt be I shouldnt be Im on my own downward spiral What if i cant hold us both up? Were going through our own same **** Breaking our bones to try And fit in the boxes we made for each other. Everything i said was the truth My love for you is unlike any other Im breaking my bones with a smile on my face And tears in my eyes We have to break to get stronger To be better And when i look up at you I see the universe in your eyes And i feel it deep in my soul It surrounds us Swirling around our bodies Like nicotine smoke when the sun is sleeping I feel the pain in your marrow I see it dripping out onto the floor Nose bleeding and hands shaking Ive been so focused on me Me me me Always me Never you And we have the same problem Do you see it too We cant escape Promising to not hit each other But look at us now Bruises decorate our bodies When i told you i liked it rough I didn’t mean emotionally And look at me now Making it about me again Maybe i wasnt there when they gave the lesson on how not to be a narcissist. How not to be selfish How to ******* open my ears and rip open my eyes Its taken me such a long time to see your struggles and now that ive seen them Im scared to leave you Not walk away from you, from us But the road im on has me walking towards death himself And time and unforeseen occurrences befall us all Ecclesiastes 9:11 If i died tomorrow how would you live? I worry about that Im not immortal and im not going to make it into paradise I hope you find peace within yourself I hope you find comfort in my arms while it lasts I told you last night to look at where you are now No longer in the hood No longer in the game No longer with that pain Look how far you come You’re not alone anymore You have us. And were not going anywhere I need you to remember that When the pain comes back to haunt you When i get mad and walk out of the room When the memories flash across your eyes Remember that. Put your faith in my promises that i made you in the kitchen Put your faith in those lyrics that you relate too so much And when the day comes that my heart is no longer beating Put your faith in my undying love and stay strong Don’t fall back into that life you left Don’t be scared. I meant it when i said i’d never leave you. Not even in death.