I’ve been sitting here Sitting here on this distant planet For what seems like years I ran away to get away from the dark. Away from a broken heart
I’ve sat And I’ve stared at the little dot every night That little dot that I had once called Home That no longer was Home in my heart
Then you appeared A cluster of stars Peeking out from behind the clouds I wanted you in that very moment I needed you
This distant planet I sat upon knew It Knew you were the one. The one I needed to call Home so it sent me off.
And I took flight once more Soaring through the galaxies Past the planets who nodded at me They too knew Knew that I was headed towards you The cluster of stars.
When I arrived It was unlike anything I had ever seen before Your stars, no longer a random cluster they had a place they had purpose they had me mesmerized
when I met you I was reborn reborn into a star a star who’s only purpose was to be with you to complete the cluster the constellation
you became my favorite constellation you ARE my favorite constellation WE Are my favorite constellation.