By the smile that seems graced by the sun The aurora around her glow with radiance and flare Behind it she hides lies that will send you on the run She's cunning, malevolent and bitter She will not be outdone
Don't be fooled
She's warm and kind Loving and affectionate She walks on broken glass Till her feet begin to bleed She'll hold back the tears as the pain kicks in But look within her eyes and they are as deadly as sin
Don't be fooled
She plays games with your mind What's the truth? What's the lie? Nobody knows the reality As she is especially sly Is she putting on an act Await those to fall in Or she simple alone Faking that diabolical grin
Don't be fooled
Her reality is different from you and I Mind a scatter, broke pieces they lay Destroyed by self or others We'll never know As this place is secured away Like the land underneath the snow
Don't be fooled
Warm hands and cold hearts Wreak havoc together Destined to heal others while tearing them apart love her, hate her and everything inbetween She will find your stitching and undo each and every seam
Don't be fooled
Each line holds some truths and fair few lies But the talent of distinguish which is which I've seen many people who have tried The truth is that not even she knows herself So how is it possible for anybody else to know her true self
Don't be fooled
I can hear her voice quietly whispers falling to deaf ears You are a fool but there is nobody here