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Sep 2018
You want me to bow at your feet.
Give you all the glory
You think you deserve.
Well, I walk in like a storm on a summer’s day

Want me to be completely honest?
You deserve to rot
Melt away    
Disappear from existence

But here’s what I want to actually happen:
I want you to be happy
For you to have joy
To see the world as good

I know what you did was wrong.
You know what you did was wrong.
Just go on in the world spreading love,
Because when my daughter asks about my childhood,

I want her to see the world as it should be

Not as it is.
Full of people like you
Who think they can get away
With things like what you did to me.
Written by
Joy B  17/F
     Fawn, Emmanuel, M, Krista DelleFemine, --- and 1 other
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