I got a hole in my pocket, hole in my heart, hole in the wall, man. I'm falling apart. They say that a woman can ruin a man, but he can ruin himself fast as she can.
My head's been pounding, my head's hung low, my head's in the grinder. It's all I know. She's miles away, but she's turning the wheel. I'd write her a letter, but she knows how I feel.
This other one calls me. This other one shoves me. Another one hates me much as another one loves me. But I won't have it, need to love myself. Take all these old pictures off of my shelf,
Forget about women, forget about money, forget about love eat my bread with some honey. She might give me bad dreams, but I believe I'll be fine. Told her, "I'll be in your dream if you'll be in mine."