i would love to be skinny, pretty with a little bit of fierceness but why do i look as if i wasn’t good enough
never the brainy nor the beauty i was always a second choice, chance, or even a lead in my life i never became my own because people kept being too good
they kept stepping on what i do and they do better i was an average asian looking a little bit rosy tan with a hint of korean spice by my eyes who was envied by others but good-looking eyes didn’t stand out because makeup kept shattering the concept of natural beauty
we were all being fake to the society full of hidden truths they showcased thin-*** bodies abused by strict diets and pressure full of greed.
I hope that I was enough for someone. The adventure that I give people, I hope they’ll remember me, but I don’t stand out so it’s either I die or stay unknown in all of these camera flash.