It's a weird feeling, being in love and lonely all at the same time To put your whole heart into something you can't see You know long distance relationships are tough But what's hard is looking across the room at the eyes you love And feeling every inch like they were miles Seeing your cheeks turn to stone when I try to make you laugh Feeling every could-be-kiss like a character from a book Reading their stories Making my heart race Leaving my lips as dry, chapped, cracked as they always are I sweat in my sleep from your body heat While my veins freeze over from the warmth of your affection I keep looking at the thermostat because I don't want to be cold anymore But we're already sitting in our own *** sweat at eighty two degrees And I can't make you care enough to smile anymore But apparently I'm trying hard enough to get you to stay Or more accurately hard enough for you not to leave Leaving is hard work anyway And feeling loved is nice I imagine At least that's what I've heard.
A collection of poems by me is available on Amazon Where She Left Me - Michael DeVoe