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Aug 2018
This bumerang effect
I thought it was a dream, I thought it wasn't real
But pain really hurts and it's really how I feel
Memories keep coming back, and so do all of the tears
I hear your voice, and as quick as the smile came, it quickly disappears
I don't know what is happening, because you always held my hand
You said you would never let go, that is what I don't understand
So many promises you made, and more of them broken
Lost and confused, feels like I'm choking
A lot of things I did not say
Now I can't find my way
I feel like a boomerang, you throw me but not only that
Every time you throw me, I always seem to come back
Back to you, back to pain
Nothing has changed, you're still the same
I cannot start over because I don't know where to start
I guess that is what happens when someone breaks your heart
If we are supposed to follow our dreams, why can't I follow you
Because now I am so lost, I wish you were lost without me too
All my life I felt boomeranged thrown
And i came back ashamed feeling like an aunt small dead calm in shock more lost then found speechless.
Boomeranged lost and found and found again yes i touched you I kissed youI had tasted you and swallowed
you to no abay you were all mine in spirit but physically upsent-that much I knew. Later on you pcrc even wrote that you would be mine for the taking when pcrc knew my real birth name if i'd met you half way but pcrcjpt wouldn't call or email me
your photo because you knew I knew you. it was only a safety issue for me since everything had been compromised to criminals and i had been kidnaped i couldn't risk my childrens life...meeting a man who wouldnt let me hear your voice nor see your present photo naturally you pcrc were protecting your married life you wanted to be taken from her but i wanted you pcrc to divorce her first on your own!
so boomersnged as i was i let your ugly monkey face ugly emasculinated black hole destiny concubine keep your *** and your many banks and mine among them. I know deep down in and out smc is an ugly two face murderer. Smc killed our love our life and our children were never born our geneology never intermingled later either because you d mentioned marrying her in the past in the beginning!oyou lost me right then.
So i raised fatherless children the devil would have been a better ***** donor father then the human trafficant poisoner I ran to broken hearted.!all because of your evil lies fake names saying you'd gotten married back then in my youth
when you werent and in fact you were waiting for me. Yes i am only human too i didn't understand you. I loved you pc.just to reapear twenty years later saying you were my true love just to soon turn atound and marry smc and again leaving me behind.,!! finding me again leaving me again and hoping i rescue yout *** from your viper concubine smc and her greedy daughter!
I rather be Boomeranged then with an idiot who can't ask me to.marry him upon finding me again! again and again!
what a nightmare.!!you were pcrc.!!
what a hearache heartbreak dwarf Duntz Richard troll you were to me.pc
Written by
Karijinbba  F/Ireland-happily everafter
(F/Ireland-happily everafter)   
   Luz and Pagan Paul
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