More words have been spilled Over staying up too late Than any other **** subject That ever comes to this tired mind
When the nights drag on to mornings And I wonder Why the hell I'm still awake There's nothing left to do But turn that angst into words And slap them down on a page And pray that at my age That lyrical Ambien Knocks me right out
I've written more poems and dissertations about my bedtime Than minutes I sleep each night Than pillows and sheets I've owned in my life Than times I've ever made the bed Than bedside books I've ever read Than midnight snacks I've tried to sneak Than my family's cumulative REM cycles per week Than my lifetime Running count of sheep Than strategies I've tried to go to sleep
But when the clock strikes oh-my-god-is-that-the-actual-time Before I lay down my head In the end I won't go to bed I'll give in again And let the words flow Cause staying up late Is all that I know