It’s an early hour At least for me. I’m half asleep yet full of thought. As if my brain has churned through everything Throughout the night And come up with Some answers.
This happens often So poems and things emerge At times like this.
It’s cool and calm right now. I love this peaceful, early morning time: No birdsong even. Yet a pigeon and sparrow on my back lawn. No sound of cars Or any of the hustle and bustle Of a working day.
So serene and soothing to my soul. Safe as though I’ve hidden Under the floorboards Away from the sun’s hot glare And the turbulence Of Life.
I suppose I’m mindful now Of all around me As I meditate About nothing in particular.
Even a little spider in my diary this morning Has not disturbed this serene feeling, This atmosphere of calm. Carbon dioxide cools this room. Ah, wrong kind of atmosphere! I speak (inside my head) of more soulful emotion As I said But I’d better be careful That I don’t fall back to sleep Laid back here In my comfy armchair…