Void less echoes shimmer across the hull, as her thoughts delve in to the scintillescent embers of her past. She couldn't have foreseen that every pebble gazed downward upon, wasn't worth the ripple of an anchor without her.
Her hands held on to the metal as if it were of meaning, caressing its indentations. She knew every bolt and rivet that kept her within the confines of this place. She used to gaze outward in this very same spot.
Memories are like stars, fading after they have burnt brightly for so long. This is why she came to this window. Casting a gaze thinking of the beauty before her, possibilities to her endless imaginings, but then she faded before me.
But space is cold, and now she ventures beyond my grasp, a grain in an ocean eternity. I look outward thinking of her everyday. Knowing that one day I’ll be a grain finding her in the sands of time