it’s no secret people need the sun to live however, that’s not the only type of living i mean
i mean the sun is a small part of an even greater savior the beach is the savior who is keeping me alive
i mean the beach has kept a smile on my face when nothing else could put it there
it is keeping my heart beating and my blood flowing it is keeping oxygen flowing through my body
the sun keeps me alive because it warms my body reminding me i’m still alive
the sand keeps me alive because it clings to my skin reminding i can still feel
the water keeps me alive because the cold shocks my body waking it up
the waves keep me alive because the waves lull me to sleep giving my body the rest it craves
the sunburn keeps me alive because of the pain forcing me to hold on for when it leaves
the beach keeps me alive because through every little annoyance it only shows me that i can still feel everything
it shows me i have so much to live for because despite what i believe i can still feel
-let the beach keep you alive
This was part of a speech I wrote but felt the need to turn into a poem. I struggle with finding happiness in things and the beach is the one place where a smile doesn't hide form me. I don't know where I would be without the beach. Somedays I wonder if I would be alive.