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May 2018
Bring Out Your Dead

One by one the dead shall rise
And the burning fires within their eyes,
Shall show their hatred for humanity.
Their deaths have taken away their sanity.

They will hunt us down and take our lives,
Down to their living Hell of screams and fire.
Torture, pain and no way out.
Welcome to Hell.  You shall fulfil Satan’s desires.

One by one the people burn,
Or have their bodies buried underground.
But from the ashes of the dead,
The phoenix shall rise once again.

But fear the phoenix, for what it brings with it,
The zombies and ghosts and all sorts of ghoulies.
The land of the dead, was once full of life,
Now the life has been drained away,
By the Hell that is fire.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey
Written by
Aa Harvey
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