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May 2018
A new low.

Depression is in session in the black hole of my head;
It drags the misery deep inside me and I wish I was dead.
I no longer want to live in a world so cold;
I shiver.
I never forget the emptiness within my heart
And the solitary of my soul.

Love no longer lives here, for I now live alone;
Oh my God how I do detest the silence of my phone.
No more calls of happiness are made;
A new low to be found.

Just sadness and hurt are all I can see,
In the mirror reflecting my face,
Because you are no longer around.

It’s a new kind of low I’m experiencing now,
But it’s a low I like living in, for it can no longer bring me down.
I have hit rock bottom and I live here alone;
But I am happy in the darkness, it has become my home.

A life without love is hard but it is manageable;
I no longer need the light of loves burning candle,
To keep me alive; I find solace in solitude.
My only desire is to see her ****.

But when you look up at every one, who you think you are below,
You find comfort in your misery, because you have hit a new low.
It’s a new low to cherish because it’s a new low I have
And this new low is mine to manage, so I will struggle on with the show.

Another human being stands in front of me smiling
And all I can think about is how I am still dying.
Their happiness makes me laugh because soon they will fall
And I shall have to feel absolutely nothing at all.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey
Written by
Aa Harvey
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