He holds a hand against her chest. A softer place than cheek or back. She sighs a moan, and breathes a quickened breath.
'Lay here a while, oh wifey true' He says to her, and she just smiles, and down he places her and raises up her wilful heart.
'Remember this one night of truth' he sings as he looks at her shade. She shivers, hoping for great heights. But not yet.
Then closer still he moves until it's all her vision sees and knows. A moan escapes her lips... a pause and then she shudders.
'Come to me my lord. Invade my peace. Fill me with a new world made of us'. In barest whispers she summons her kingdom.
So he takes his dive, summons up a ship to break the walls, and take the flavoured leap. So soon... she climbs a height before unknown. He holds her. Sheltered from a storm